CANADIAN COWARDS; The Truth About the Trump Tariffs?

For years, Canadians have lived as cowards, allowing monarch-like dictators to dismantle their national identity and erode their country’s foundation. Justin Trudeau, in particular, has acted as a traitorous globalist puppet, paving the way for scandal after scandal, inviting anyone and everyone into Canada—not to build a strong nation, but to deliberately weaken the country’s national identity so he can buy votes for his ‘liberal, globalist, dictatorial dreams.’ How much taxpayer money has been siphoned from Canadian pockets to his globalist allies? Has he received financial incentives from China to look the other way? Is it possible that his policies are less about progress and more about control? These are the questions Canadians must start asking but for some reason they are not.

In fact there has been no real concern for Democracy or the preservation of cultures and races in Canadian political thought. Not once has the Canadian Government made the reasonable decision to help other countries fix their problems while also respecting and preserving the English and French cultural identity that built Canada. Instead, it has been about deliberately destroying the ‘white old-stock culture of Canada’ via a false historical narrative and an imposed sense of ‘white guilt.’ Canadians, being generally too nice and too afraid of being labelled racists by the Left, have allowed this manipulation, while Globalist backers like China—who have no multiculturalism—could be easily and secretly funding the chaos, knowing they will soon take over and sit on America’s border.

So, it is nothing short of a political joke that when Canadian politicians suddenly pretend to stand up and find their voice the moment Trump rightly imposes tariffs to protect America. The only politicians in Canada who understand the flip side of the issue are Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and People’s Party Leader Maxime Bernier—two of the smartest politicians in Canadian politics today and the only Politicians who should be running the country. The rest of Canadian Politicians come across as nothing more than self-serving Globalist traitors who seem to clearly understand and support the fact that forced multiculturalism will ultimately enslave Canada to a strong, non-multicultural superpower: China, which is bent on destroying democracy and America.

Any Canadian News Outlet could ask the question; are Canadian Politicians now standing up because they suddenly and genuinely care about Canada, or is it because they see America and the world shifting right and are afraid of losing their dictatorial grip on Canada and their backroom deals with China and globalists? Why has Canada never left the monarchy and established a real constitution and real democracy of their own? Why not join America to create a massive democratic nation under the very real American Constitution? It is obvious. With the exception of Danielle Smith and Maxime Bernier; the majority of Canadian Politicians are simply wanna be dictators upset they stand to lose a seat at the Globalist/China funded buffet via Trump and tariffs.

Salma Siddiqui, former head of the Canadian Muslim Congress, highlighted this very real and obvious issue in an interview on Pakistani television. She noted that when her parents immigrated to Canada in the 1960s, they had to be the best and brightest—contributing to Canada and embracing its values. But under both Trudeau administrations, the floodgates have opened so that immigrants arrive not to build or be part of but to exploit Canada—taking advantage of free child tax benefits, healthcare, and cheap education while funneling money back to their home countries, while their allegiances remain with their home countries as they turn Canada into a patchwork of segregated ghettos.’

Racism is wrong, and some multiculturalism is good for a country. But deliberately destroying a nation’s core identity to create forced multicultural chaos will only breed more hatred, racism, civil war, and ultimately, the rise of a new Hitler and a new Holocaust.

True politics demands a 10th-man perspective—a strategy invented by Mossad after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, where a designated devil’s advocate ensures all possibilities are considered.

In the early 1990s, a German woman living in Canada foresaw the doom coming to Canada and other Democratic nations. She warned that ‘within 25-30 years, these nations would be on the verge of a new Hitler and Holocaust, as historians deliberately refuse to acknowledge how the Treaty of Versailles—driven by international Jewish bankers—crushed Germany after WWI. They do not tell the full story of starving German families, cut off from resources controlled by Jewish elites. They ignore the reality of a wounded soldier, lying in a hospital bed, blinded by mustard gas—an Austrian-born man raised in Germany who declared, ‘I am going to make Germany great.’ That man was Adolf Hitler. No one is born racist. But economic oppression, manipulation of history, and deliberate societal fractures fueled his rise. The same tactics are being used today—weaponized history, forced white guilt, and the systematic dismantling of Western democracies—which will, unfortunately, risk creating a new Hitler and Holocaust.’

No one wants to confront their own historical atrocities, so instead, blame is placed solely on white people—an approach used to fracture nations like Canada. This same strategy is being deployed by China-backed globalist leftists across European democracies and even in America. Africa’s role in the origins of the slave trade is conveniently ignored, just as the fact that white Americans fought a civil war to end slavery and that many freed Africans chose to stay in America rather than return to Africa is overlooked. Likewise, Indigenous claims to vast territories—often without visible settlements or defined boundaries—go unquestioned, despite their own histories of slavery, conquest, and brutality long before European colonialists arrived

While dictatorial countries like China refuse multiculturalism, Trudeau openly declared that Canada has “no core identity,” ensuring its chaotic destruction. The results are plain to see: Chinese interests dominate Vancouver suburbs, where non-Chinese individuals are barred from renting stores. East Indian communities monopolize business sectors and hire only East Indians. Filipinos, Arabs, Iranians, and Africans establish insular communities that extract from Canada while labeling Canadians as racists. Rather than integrating, they are reshaping the nation into fractured enclaves—while the core identity that built Canada is deliberately dismantled in favor of a China-Globalist partnership.

Does it not embarrass other nations or even Canadian politicians that these people flee their countries instead of staying to fight for and build their own version of the American or Canadian Dream? Why again is it that Canadian Politicians never say ‘We want to help other Countries preserve and protect their countries and cultures and create their own Canadian Dreams, while protecting our own country and culture that built Canada?’ With China pushing for global domination and maintaining zero multiculturalism, it is blatantly obvious who is funding Canada and its Politicians deliberate push to destroy its own core identity with the end goal of allowing China to sit on America’s doorstep. “It is just as blatantly extreme as when the French President declared that ‘we need to interbreed’ to eliminate ‘white culture,’ dismissing the beauty and rich diversity of all cultures including ‘white nations’, as well as the complex and often brutal history in which all races have played a role in war, the slave trade, rape, and pillage.”

What many fail to realize is that Canada is not a democracy. It lacks a true constitution that protects its people. Unlike the United States—where “We the People” is backed by constitutional rights—Canada operates under the philosophy of “We the Government, and screw the people.” The liberal government deliberately avoids helping other nations fix their problems while failing to preserve the English and French cultures that originally built Canada.

Meanwhile, China openly meddles in Canadian politics, influencing elections and establishing police stations to intimidate dissidents. Sikh extremists operate terrorist training camps on Canadian soil—one such act of terrorism resulted in the Air India bombing. Canada’s porous borders facilitate the influx of drugs and illegal firearms. Yet, Canadians remain silent, too afraid of being labeled “racist” to confront these existential threats.

All of this directly threatens America’s security and the preservation of democracy. Canada’s weak stance on national identity makes it a liability to its southern neighbor. The Trump tariffs were never just about trade; they were about protecting American interests from a compromised and crumbling Canada.

Discussions have emerged about the potential annexation of Canada into the United States. Figures like Kevin O’Leary have suggested that such a union could strengthen the economy, secure northern borders, and unify policies. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, of course, rejected the idea outright, but the conversation highlights growing concerns over Canada’s trajectory.

Canadian politicians rally, claiming they have been allies and friends to America, supporting the U.S., and arguing that tariffs imposed on Canada are unjust. Meanwhile, these same politicians—along with globalists and China—are deliberately using mass immigration and forced multiculturalism to destabilize Canada, making it vulnerable to a takeover by globalist and China-backed dictators. This, in turn, poses a direct threat to American democracy. In that light, Trump’s tariffs were not only justified but necessary.

Canada is at a crossroads. It can continue down this path of appeasement and self-destruction or reclaim its identity, security, and future. But time is running out—if Canadians refuse to stand up now, they may soon find they have nothing left to fight for.