
In the complex world of global politics, a critical question arises: are globalists truly striving to create peace and security through a One World Order, or are they aiming for total domination, stripping away our national identities, cultural heritage, and even our free will? This debate isn’t just about governance; it’s about the survival of democracy, freedom, and even humanity itself.

Globalists claim their vision of a One World Order is the solution to war, inequality, and global crises like climate change and pandemics. They advocate for open borders, economic interdependence, and global cooperation. They present themselves as saviors of humanity, arguing that nationalism and militarism, seen in World War II and the Holocaust, must be eradicated to prevent future conflicts.

Critics, however, see globalists as power-hungry elites, manipulating populations to create a homogenous world devoid of distinct cultures, traditions, and family values. This centralized power, they argue, paves the way for a global government where people are stripped of their identities and freedom, making it easier to control them through surveillance and manipulation. They raise a deeper question: can humanity govern itself without external or divine control, as the Bible warns in Ecclesiastes 8:9 that one man’s domination over another always leads to injury?

Who Are the Globalists?

Globalists are a group of wealthy, influential individuals and institutions advocating for global governance. They wield significant power in politics, business, technology, media, and finance, and many operate within secretive organizations that critics claim work behind the scenes to push their agenda. These elites aren’t just about politics; many accuse them of promoting pedophilic and demonic activities as part of their schemes to dominate and degrade humanity.

Key Organizations Associated with Globalism

  • United Nations (UN): Promotes international cooperation and governance but often imposes policies that undermine national sovereignty.
  • World Economic Forum (WEF): A gathering of political and corporate elites, advocating for policies that critics say centralize power and control under the guise of progress.
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) & World Bank: Financial institutions that shape global policies and manipulate developing nations through debt.
  • World Health Organization (WHO): Coordinates global health responses but is accused of using crises like COVID-19 to enforce compliance with globalist agendas.
  • Bilderberg Group: A secretive annual meeting where global elites discuss issues without any public accountability.

While these institutions present themselves as vital to global stability, critics argue they are tools for manipulating markets, governments, and societies to serve a small elite.

Globalists’ Agenda: Peace or Control?

The globalist agenda is presented in two conflicting ways:

  1. Peace and Security Through a One World Order
    • Globalists argue that only by eliminating borders, inequality, and cultural differences can humanity achieve lasting peace. By creating a global government, they believe interconnected economies and open borders will remove motivations for war.
    • They propose using technology and AI for population management, ensuring efficient resource distribution and reducing conflict.
    • Environmental issues like climate change are used as a rallying cry for international cooperation, pushing policies they claim will save the planet.
  2. Total Control and Domination
    • Critics argue that these policies aim to centralize power, eroding national sovereignty and individuality. The ultimate goal is a global government where people have no say over their destinies.
    • Economic control is wielded through banking institutions and investment firms, ensuring nations remain dependent on globalist financial policies.
    • Mass surveillance and technological dominance are used to manage populations, curtailing freedoms and controlling societies under the guise of safety and sustainability.

The Media, Banks, and Military: Tools for Enforcing the Agenda

Globalists rely on three primary pillars of power: media, finance, and military/police forces. These institutions shape narratives, control economies, and enforce globalist policies.

  1. Media and Hollywood: Shaping Perceptions and Social Agendas
    • Media conglomerates controlled by globalist elites push narratives that support globalism while suppressing dissent. Television, newspapers, Hollywood, and social media are manipulated to promote multiculturalism, open borders, and global cooperation while demonizing nationalism and traditional values.
    • Hollywood, as a significant cultural influencer, is utilized to normalize and promote social agendas that align with globalist goals, including transgenderism, gender fluidity, and the erosion of traditional family values. By controlling entertainment, globalists shape cultural perceptions, ensuring that these values become ingrained in society.
    • Through historical revisionism, globalists twist history to justify their agenda, using events like World War II to push their One World Order while ignoring the role of global financiers in creating the conditions for conflict.
  2. Banks: Economic Manipulation
    • Families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others have historically controlled international banking, shaping the modern financial system to align with globalist interests. Investment giants like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street wield enormous influence over governments and corporations.
    • By indebting nations, globalists enforce compliance, stripping away national sovereignty and imposing policies that favor elite interests over the well-being of the people. They also strategically bankrupt the middle class, creating economic dependence and widening the wealth gap to further control society.
  3. Police and Military: Enforcing Compliance
    • Militarized police forces are deployed to suppress dissent and control populations, particularly during economic hardships and civil unrest caused by globalist policies.
    • NATO and other international alliances are used as tools to enforce globalist interests, ensuring that nations comply with their goals or face military consequences.

Controlling the CIA, FBI, and Politicians

Globalists extend their reach into the intelligence and political sectors, using these institutions to maintain power and enforce their agenda.

  • CIA and FBI: These agencies, often accused of acting as globalist enforcers, are used for mass surveillance and suppression of dissent. Critics argue they orchestrate crises and manipulate public perception, ensuring populations remain fearful and compliant.
  • Political Puppets: Globalists manipulate elections to install leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who align with their goals. They control these leaders through blackmail, exploiting personal secrets, or offering power and wealth to ensure compliance. These leaders are seen as betraying democracy, abandoning their countries’ interests to further globalist objectives.

Wreaking Social, Economic, and Environmental Havoc

Globalists intentionally create chaos to dismantle societal structures and seize control:

  • Seeding Storms, Causing Droughts, and Setting Forest Fires: Critics allege that globalists use weather manipulation and environmental sabotage to create shortages and push their climate agenda. By orchestrating storms, droughts, and forest fires, they spread fear, control food and resource supplies, and justify authoritarian policies under the guise of environmental protection.
  • Banking Crisis: By using banks to economically devastate the middle class, globalists widen the gap between the rich and poor, increasing societal dependence on their institutions and policies. This economic manipulation serves to consolidate power and further weaken democratic nations.

The Destruction of Family Values and the Promotion of Forced Multiculturalism

Two of the most insidious tactics used by globalists are the destruction of the traditional family unit and the promotion of forced multiculturalism, both of which weaken societies and make populations easier to control.

  1. Eroding Family Values
    • By promoting gender fluidity, LGBTQ+ rights, and redefining family structures, globalists aim to destroy the nuclear family. This shifts reliance from familial support to government institutions, making it easier for globalists to manipulate populations.
    • Critics argue that this is not just a social experiment but a deliberate strategy to undermine the moral and spiritual foundation of societies.
  2. Forced Multiculturalism
    • Globalists push mass immigration and multiculturalism to dilute national identities, ensuring populations are disconnected from their heritage and less likely to resist globalist policies.
    • This strategy fosters social fragmentation, creating chaos and division, making it easier for globalists to position themselves as the only force capable of maintaining order.

Globalists, Pedophilia, and Demonic Influence

A disturbing aspect of globalism that critics highlight is its alleged connection to pedophilic networks and demonic influences. Accusations abound of globalist elites engaging in child exploitation as a means of power and control. This dark undercurrent serves to degrade societies morally, creating chaos and hopelessness, which in turn makes populations more malleable.

Globalists and Intelligence Agencies: Enforcers of Control

Intelligence agencies like the CIA and those in the Five Eyes alliance (including the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) are often seen as enforcers of the globalist agenda. Mass surveillance and suppression of dissent are tools used to maintain control over populations.

  • Some conspiracy theories suggest that mass shootings are orchestrated by these agencies to push for gun control, aiming to disarm Americans and eliminate the Second Amendment—the last defense against globalist tyranny.

The American Constitution: The Last Defense Against Globalism

The American Constitution is seen as the final barrier against the globalist agenda. Its principles of government by the people and the right to bear arms protect individuals from tyranny. Critics argue that globalist policies aim to erode these protections, using gun control, media censorship, and mass surveillance to strip Americans of their freedoms.

Conclusion: The Fight for Freedom and Humanity’s Future

Globalism isn’t just a political agenda; it’s an existential battle between freedom and control. Globalists promise peace and security but seek totalitarian dominance, eroding national identities, cultures, and traditional values. This struggle isn’t only about politics; it’s a spiritual battle between good and evil forces aiming to manipulate humanity.

For true freedom, society must reject globalist control, fight to protect national identities, and preserve the diversity of human cultures and traditions. Globalism seeks to destroy every culture and create a monolithic, controllable society. Humanity must defend its right to self-determination to prevent a future of enslavement under a powerful global elite.