The near-successful assassination attempt on July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the more recent attempt on September 15, 2024, at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach are far too close in timing and methodology to be dismissed as isolated incidents. Both failed attempts have targeted Donald Trump in ways that reveal significant coordination and planning. But these aren’t just random acts of violence—these incidents beg the question: Who is behind them, and why?

Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, these events highlight something more insidious—a potential effort by globalist forces, the CIA, and Democrats to undermine democracy and the will of the people. As Americans, it’s crucial to understand how globalists and Democrats have historically conspired to consolidate power by controlling the media, reshaping institutions like the CIA and Federal Reserve, and ultimately destroying freedom in America.


The Butler incident involving Thomas Matthew Crooks is a case study in how a supposedly ‘lone wolf’ attacker could, in fact, be part of a broader, covert strategy. Crooks, armed with a high-powered rifle, had planned this assassination for weeks. He was not some random, mentally unstable individual; he was deliberate, well-researched, and prepared.

1. TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN PLANNING: Trump’s rally was widely publicized, giving ample time for someone to study security vulnerabilities. How did Crooks manage to exploit these weaknesses so easily? Could there have been intentional lapses or individuals within the security apparatus who were complicit?

2. CROOKS’ PREPARATIONS: Crooks wasn’t just a troubled young man; he was methodically coached. With his purchase of a ladder, acquisition of a rifle, and access to a rooftop vantage point, it’s clear that someone or some organization with resources could have guided him. Such precision is rarely seen in ‘lone wolf’ attacks.

3. THE SHOOTING: Crooks fired eight shots, one of which grazed Trump’s ear. Despite the intervention of a Secret Service sniper, the fact remains that Trump’s life was in severe danger, and Crooks was able to execute his plan with alarming ease. How did Crooks manage to evade security for so long? This reeks of security compromises, which begs the question—was the Secret Service infiltrated?


The second attempt, carried out by Ryan Wesley Routh, reinforces the idea that these are not isolated events. Similar to the Crooks incident, Routh was well-armed, well-prepared, and unnoticed until it was almost too late. He had an AK-47-style rifle and even brought along a GoPro to film the assassination, indicating that this was not just an act of violence but also a message.

1. INCIDENT DETAILS: While Trump was golfing, Routh set up near the property line, managing to breach what should have been a secure perimeter. Authorities found Routh’s rifle and his filming equipment after he fled. It is concerning how someone could get this close to the former president at a private golf course—another serious security failure that raises red flags about possible infiltration or collusion.

2. PARALLELS BETWEEN BOTH ATTEMPTS: Both attackers were young white men, heavily armed, and prepared to carry out precisely timed assaults. The level of planning and the relative ease with which both individuals were able to position themselves indicates that these attacks are part of a broader agenda. It’s not a coincidence that both of these incidents occurred within months of each other, both at a time when Trump poses a direct threat to globalist control.


To understand why these assassination attempts may be happening, we need to look at the Democratic Party’s long history of oppression, fanaticism, and consolidation of power. The Democratic Party’s roots in slavery, its support of segregation, and its more recent efforts to consolidate media ownership under a few powerful figures reveal a pattern of control and subjugation.

  1. SLAVERY AND SEGREGATION: The Democratic Party has a history rooted in slavery and systemic racism. Though modern Democrats claim to champion social justice, the historical record reveals that Democrats fought tooth and nail to maintain segregation and destroyed efforts to promote real equality. This long-standing connection to oppression provides insight into how they might seek to suppress political opposition today.
  2. MEDIA CONTROL: Democrats have pushed legislation that enables media consolidation, allowing a few powerful entities to control the narrative. Today, a handful of media conglomerates control nearly all mainstream news outlets, shaping public opinion and suppressing dissent. How can Americans trust a party that seeks to limit freedom of the press? Why does the Democratic Party not stand for independent, diverse media ownership, which would protect democracy?
  3. RESTRUCTURING THE CIA AND FEDERAL RESERVE: The reshaping of institutions like the CIA and Federal Reserve has also been instrumental in giving globalists and Democratic elites more power. The Federal Reserve, a non-governmental entity with immense influence over America’s financial system, is largely unaccountable to the people. The Democratic Party, working alongside globalists, ensures that power remains concentrated in the hands of a few, making it easier for foreign interests and deep state actors to manipulate the system.


Given the history of CIA covert operations and manipulation through projects like MK Ultra, it’s not a stretch to imagine that both Crooks and Routh could have been groomed to carry out these attacks. The globalist agenda, which seeks to dismantle sovereign nations and push for a one-world government, would be significantly hindered by a populist leader like Trump.

  1. MK ULTRA AND CIA COERCION: The CIA has a long history of manipulating individuals through covert mind control techniques. Could Crooks and Routh have been unwitting pawns in a larger game? Their profiles—young, impressionable men—fit the characteristics of individuals susceptible to such tactics.
  2. GLOBALIST CONTROL: Globalists, including powerful financial families, multinational corporations, and political elites, have an interest in removing barriers to centralized global governance. Trump’s populist, nationalist agenda stands in direct opposition to this, making him a target. Could the CIA, Democrats, and globalist forces be working in concert to remove Trump from the equation?


While many Democrats may not directly endorse violence, the silence of Democratic leadership in condemning these assassination attempts is deafening. Why is there no outrage from the Democratic Party about these attacks on democracy? Why isn’t there a push to protect the integrity of elections and political discourse?

1. DEMOCRATIC SUPPORT OF MEDIA MONOPOLY: By supporting media consolidation, Democrats ensure that the narrative remains controlled, allowing them to silence dissenting voices. This is a direct attack on free speech—a cornerstone of American democracy.

2. FLOODING THE BORDERS WITH IMMIGRANTS: Rather than helping struggling nations build their own democratic systems, Democrats have pushed for open borders, allowing a flood of immigrants into the country. This serves the globalist agenda by weakening national identity and sovereignty while ensuring that low-wage labor continues to benefit multinational corporations—the very entities that fund the Democratic Party.

3. BOUGHT OFF BY GLOBALISTS: It’s becoming increasingly clear that many Democratic politicians are being bought off by globalists, ensuring that policies that destroy American freedoms and erode democracy are enacted. These politicians are willing to sacrifice American sovereignty, the middle class, and free speech for the sake of political power and wealth.


Both assassination attempts on Trump serve as stark reminders that the fight for democracy is ongoing. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or independent, these events highlight the urgent need for transparency. Americans deserve to know who is behind these attacks and why.

If America and democracy fall, the consequences will be global. Who will protect freedom if America doesn’t? Democrats must ask themselves if their party truly represents the values of freedom, or if they have been manipulated by globalists who wish to destroy the very foundation of the country. The silence is damning.


The two assassination attempts against Donald Trump are part of a larger, coordinated effort to control the future of America. Whether by manipulating political discourse, controlling the media, or consolidating power within the CIA and Federal Reserve, the forces behind these attacks are deeply entrenched in both the Democratic Party and globalist circles.

As Americans, we must demand accountability and transparency. If democracy is to survive, we must expose these hidden powers and ensure that no political party, institution, or globalist agenda can destroy the freedom upon which the nation was built.