The Impossible: How Israel, the CIA, and MI6 Looked Aside Despite Decades of Perfect Intelligence

The history of Israel is one of conquest, displacement, and conflict. From its earliest days, Israel has shown an aggressive approach toward the territories it claims. In the biblical book of Deuteronomy, the Israelites are instructed to conquer the Promised Land, wiping out every man, woman, and child. This violent history laid the foundation for centuries of tension in the region.

The Treaty of Versailles and the Rise of Hitler

International Jewish bankers have long wielded significant influence over global affairs. Following World War I, their involvement in drafting the Treaty of Versailles devastated Germany, creating conditions ripe for the rise of Hitler. Through financial dominance and manipulation, they effectively set the stage for the Holocaust. This tragic period of history was not merely an accident but a consequence of calculated economic policies and political maneuvering.

The Spread of Communism: Russia and China

Jewish influence did not stop at European affairs. The role of Jewish ideologues in the creation and spread of communism in Russia and China is well-documented. Karl Marx, the founder of communist ideology, laid the groundwork for movements that would later be spearheaded by Jewish revolutionaries in both nations. These movements not only led to the destruction of the Russian Empire and traditional Chinese society but also resulted in immense suffering, the deaths of millions, and the eradication of cultural and historical heritage within a short span of time.

The Palestinian Mandate and the Creation of Modern Israel

In 1947, the United Nations approved the Palestinian Mandate, which led to the establishment of the state of Israel. The displacement of Palestinians that followed created a cycle of violence and conflict that persists to this day. As Jewish settlers occupied lands, the original inhabitants were forced into smaller and smaller enclaves. This displacement led to a bloodbath in Lebanon, as Palestinians and their allies clashed with opposing forces. The region’s stability was shattered, and the Palestinian people have remained confined ever since.

Branding Palestinians as Terrorists: Hypocrisy Unveiled

Israel’s displacement of Palestinians and the branding of those who resist as terrorists have created a narrative where any opposition to Jewish occupation is labeled as extremism. This approach is deeply hypocritical, given that in their own history, the Jews killed every man, woman, and child of the tribes occupying the original Promised Land, including the Moabites, Hittites, Canaanites, Jebusites, Philistines, and Amalekites. This historical context highlights the inconsistency in labeling Palestinian resistance as terrorism when, by the same standard, the actions of the Israelites in ancient times would be considered genocidal.

In October of last year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoed this sentiment, likening the ongoing conflict to a holy war. He explicitly compared the Palestinians to the Amalekites, an ancient tribe that the Israelites were commanded to annihilate entirely. This rhetoric not only inflames tensions but frames the conflict in religious and existential terms, making the possibility of peaceful resolution even more distant.

The Gaza Strip: A Cage

For decades, Palestinians have been confined to the Gaza Strip—a densely populated, impoverished area where Israel controls the borders, airspace, and access to the sea. This situation has created what many describe as an open-air prison, where Palestinians live under constant surveillance and restrictions imposed by the Israeli military. The region remains isolated, with limited access to basic necessities, while Israel’s superior military capabilities keep the population in a state of perpetual confinement.

The Impossible Oversight: October 7th Attacks

Given Israel’s unmatched intelligence capabilities, it is inconceivable that the October 7th attacks could have taken them by surprise. Israel’s surveillance networks, combined with the support of the CIA, MI6, and other global intelligence entities, make it nearly impossible for such an operation to go unnoticed. Israel’s history of precision strikes, often carried out with the aid of advanced technology like drones and cell phone tracking, raises serious questions: was this attack anticipated and deliberately allowed to occur as a pretext for a larger agenda?

Who Stands to Gain?

The answer may lie in the broader globalist agenda. Powerful groups like the Bilderbergs and other international elites have long been suspected of orchestrating conflicts for profit. The Middle East, with its vast oil reserves and strategic importance, presents endless opportunities for those who benefit from war. When tensions escalate, oil prices rise, and arms sales surge—both outcomes that fill the coffers of multinational corporations and global elites.

Allowing or even backfunding the Hamas attacks would provide Israel with the justification it needs to launch a full-scale assault on Gaza. The global narrative is crafted in such a way that Israel’s response is seen as a justified act of defense, while the Palestinians—imprisoned in a cage for decades—are painted as the aggressors. This manipulation ensures global approval, or at least silent complicity, in what increasingly looks like a modern genocide.

Media Control: The Unquestionable Narrative

Israel’s influence extends beyond politics and military power; it reaches into the global information landscape. Jewish ownership and control of major Hollywood studios and mainstream media outlets create a powerful narrative machine. Through these channels, they effectively silence dissenting voices and frame the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a way that shields Israel from criticism. Any narrative that questions Israeli actions or policies is swiftly labeled as antisemitic or extremist, making it nearly impossible for public discourse to shift in favor of the Palestinian cause.

The Genocide Unfolds: History Repeats Itself

As Israel’s military escalates its operations, Gaza faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Civilians, including women and children, are bearing the brunt of this assault. International powers, many of whom have historical ties to the formation and support of Israel, turn a blind eye. This modern “holocaust” against the Palestinian people is not only a tragedy but a calculated action supported by global powers.

Israel, despite its own history of persecution and survival, appears to have become the very force it once fought against. With international approval and backing, it continues its campaign against the Palestinian people, all while the world watches and allows history to repeat itself.


The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that Israel, along with its intelligence partners, knew in advance about the October 7th attacks. The subsequent retaliation is not a defensive action but a calculated genocide, executed with the world’s tacit approval. Behind the scenes, globalists, international bankers, and other elites stand to gain from the ongoing chaos, ensuring that the cycle of violence continues for their benefit.

The question remains: how many more lives must be sacrificed for these power players to achieve their goals, and when will the world wake up to the realities unfolding before its eyes?