Quebecers, why are you allowing Justin Trudeau and his Globalist Friends to destroy your culture and country out of fear of being labeled racists? Defending Quebec’s distinct culture is not racism. You have every right to preserve and protect your culture, country, and children’s future.

Québec is a cultural stronghold, globally recognized for its rich heritage and strong identity. Yet, Justin Trudeau is deliberately using forced multiculturalism to dilute your cultural identity, turning Canada into a testing ground for his One World Order while using your tax dollars to buy votes through free handouts.

Why are these immigrants not staying in their own countries and fighting for their own cultures and children’s futures? Why isn’t Justin helping other countries fix their problems and build their own Canadian dream while protecting Quebec’s and Canada’s culture? Instead, he manipulates both French and English Canadians, forcing you to give up your children’s futures, while Western Canadians fold like cowards out of fear of being called racists.

Trudeau and his globalist friends want to create a One World Beige Soup, erasing all distinct countries, cultures, and families. They are socially re-engineering Canada to deliberately destroy your culture and your children’s future.

Québec doesn’t need to follow the West’s cowardice. Québec can lead the way—saving itself, Canada, and the rest of the world from Trudeau and the Globalists.

The Trudeaus and Globalists: A Dirty Legacy

Justin’s agenda continues his father Pierre’s dirty globalist legacy. Pierre admired and supported globalists and dictators, and Justin has expanded this with scandal after scandal:

  • Blackface: Trudeau’s blackface incidents reveal his true intention of destroying cultures and enslaving nations instead of preserving them.
  • Constant Corruption: Interfering with the justice system to shield allies, while funneling millions into his family’s and friends’ pockets.
  • Praise for Communism: Refusing to disclose Chinese interference, while selling out Canada.
  • Pandemic Hypocrisy: Imposing severe lockdowns that destroyed small businesses, while global corporations thrived and democratic rights were denied.
  • Debt and Inflation: Deliberately pushing Canada into crippling debt and inflation to bankrupt and control Canadians while enriching his elite friends.
  • Media and Military Control: Degrading the military while controlling the media, setting the stage for authoritarian rule.
  • Forced Multiculturalism: Using it to destabilize and destroy Québec’s culture, infrastructure, schools, healthcare, and economy.
  • Theft of Québec’s Culture and Resources: Québec’s vast resources are a prime target for multinational exploitation. By weakening Québec’s culture, Trudeau opens the door for global elites to seize control of everything that belongs to you.

Setting Canada Up for a New French Revolution: The parallels are clear—just like pre-revolutionary France, the people suffer while the ruling class thrives. In his arrogance, Trudeau is unwittingly setting Québec and Canada up for a new Yugoslavia and French Revolution.

Why Canada Needs a Real Constitution—and How Québec Can Lead the Fight

In the United States, the Constitution begins with “We the People”, followed by the right to bear arms to protect the people. Canada, however, does not have a true democracy. Instead, Canada’s Constitution begins with “We the Government”, followed by a clear message to “Screw the people.”

Québec can lead the charge in demanding a new and real constitution—one that grants true democracy by taking power from the government and giving it back to the people. In doing so, you can ensure that your children’s futures are protected, along with the preservation of your culture and identity.

Conclusion: It Will Start with Québec?

Québec is strong enough to resist Trudeau’s agenda. By standing firm, you not only protect your identity and culture, but you also set an example for other nations facing the same globalist forces. Your courage in defending your heritage will inspire people across the world to protect their own cultures, countries, and the future of their children.

The globalist agenda seeks to erase nations and cultures in the pursuit of control, but can Québec be the nation that finally stands up and fights back—not just for yourselves, but for everyone who values sovereignty, identity, and freedom?

Editor in Chief – Political News Magazine