In the intricate web of global politics, one question looms large: Are globalists striving to save humanity by creating peace and security through a One World Order, or are they aiming for total control, stripping away national identity, cultural heritage, and even individual free will, so that no one has anything left to fight for? The debate at its core examines the tension between individual freedom and collective governance, and the potential future of the human race.

On one side, globalists argue that their vision of a One World Order is the only path to preventing war, reducing inequality, and tackling existential threats like climate change and pandemics. They advocate for open borders, global cooperation, and economic interdependence, all of which, they believe, can eliminate the causes of war and conflict. This vision, they say, was born in the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust, where the consequences of unchecked nationalism and militarism were laid bare.

On the other side, critics argue that globalists seek to centralize power in the hands of a small, elite group. According to this view, globalists want to create a homogenous world devoid of distinct cultures, national identities, and even traditional family values. The aim, they contend, is to control society through a global government that makes it easier to manipulate populations who have no cultural or national heritage left to defend.

This tension raises questions about free will, governance, and the nature of humanity. The American Constitution, with its foundation in “We the People” and the Second Amendment right to bear arms, is often cited as the last defense against globalist control. But this prompts a deeper question: Can mankind govern itself without external control, whether from God or elites? As Ecclesiastes 8:9 warns, when one man dominates another, it is always to his injury. Can human society achieve true governance without oppression?


Globalists are often described as wealthy, influential individuals and institutions advocating for global governance to address challenges such as climate change, economic inequality, and geopolitical instability. They believe that only by integrating the world’s economies, cultures, and political systems can humanity achieve lasting peace and security. Globalists often hold positions of significant power in politics, business, technology, media, and finance, and some operate within secretive organizations that critics claim work behind the scenes to push their agenda.


  • United Nations (UN): Promotes international peace, human rights, and multilateral cooperation on global challenges.
  • World Economic Forum (WEF): An annual gathering of global elites from politics, business, and civil society to discuss global governance, economic policies, and technological advancements.
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) & World Bank: Financial institutions that shape global economic policies and provide aid to developing nations, often with strings attached that critics argue diminish national sovereignty.
  • World Health Organization (WHO): Coordinates international public health responses, particularly during global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Bilderberg Group: A secretive annual meeting where political leaders, financial moguls, and corporate elites discuss global issues without public oversight.

These institutions are often seen by globalists as vital to global stability and prosperity. However, critics argue that they are tools used by a small elite group to manipulate global markets, control governments, and concentrate power.


The globalist agenda can be interpreted in two very different ways, depending on one’s perspective.


Proponents of globalism argue that only a One World Order can prevent future wars and save humanity from itself. Their arguments include:

  • Eliminating the Causes of War: Globalists argue that national borders, economic inequality, and cultural differences are at the root of conflict. A global government would reduce these tensions by fostering interconnected economies, shared governance, and open borders, thus removing the motivations for war.
  • Technological Governance: With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and surveillance technology, globalists believe that technology can be used to manage populations and resources more efficiently, ensuring equitable distribution and reducing conflict over scarcity.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Globalists claim that the world must unite to combat climate change. Through international cooperation, they believe it is possible to create sustainable development policies that protect the planet and ensure long-term survival.


On the other hand, critics argue that these policies are not about peace and security, but about controlling society. According to this view, globalists aim to centralize power, erode national sovereignty, and impose a global governance system where individuals lose their ability to control their own destinies.

  • Economic and Technological Control: Critics contend that by centralizing economic policies, globalists are able to control entire nations. Through mass surveillance, automation, and AI, they argue, globalists are building a system where individual freedoms are curtailed, and the global elite manage resources and populations with minimal input from the people.
  • Eroding National Sovereignty and Cultural Identity: By promoting forced multiculturalism and undermining traditional values, critics say that globalists are deliberately eroding national identity. They argue that the goal is to create a homogenous global population that lacks the cultural pride or unity to resist globalist policies.
  • Creating Dependency: Critics also argue that by controlling essential resources such as food, water, and energy, globalists ensure that populations remain dependent on global institutions for their survival. This artificially created scarcity allows them to dictate terms to nations and governments, effectively controlling the world through economic manipulation.


In order to achieve their goals, globalists are believed to rely on three primary pillars of power: the media, the financial system, and the police/military. These institutions play critical roles in shaping public perception, controlling economies, and enforcing globalist policies.


The media plays a crucial role in advancing the globalist agenda by controlling public perception and shaping narratives. Media conglomerates, often owned by individuals linked to globalist elites, are used to promote policies that align with globalist goals, while marginalizing dissent.

  • Shaping Public Opinion: Through television, newspapers, social media, and Hollywood, globalists shape how the public perceives the world. Narratives that promote multiculturalism, open borders, and global cooperation are emphasized, while nationalism, traditional values, and individual sovereignty are portrayed as regressive.
  • Historical Revisionism: By controlling the media, globalists can rewrite history to fit their narrative. For example, World War II is often cited as the justification for a One World Order, but critics argue that this ignores the role global financiers played in creating the conditions for war in the first place. Manipulating the historical narrative allows globalists to justify their policies and obscure their true motives.


The financial system is at the heart of globalist power. Through their control of international banking, investment firms, and monetary policy, globalists are able to dictate the terms of economic engagement across the globe.

  • Key Families and Institutions: Families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and others have historically controlled international banking and helped shape the modern financial system. Institutions like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street hold enormous stakes in global corporations, allowing them to influence policy at both corporate and government levels.
  • Debt as a Tool of Control: By indebting nations through loans and development programs, the globalists can force governments to adopt policies that align with their vision. This diminishes the sovereignty of nations, making them beholden to financial institutions that serve globalist interests rather than their own populations.


Once economic control and media manipulation are in place, the police and military are used to enforce compliance with globalist policies.

  • Militarization of Law Enforcement: Critics argue that the increasing militarization of police forces across the world is a direct consequence of globalist policies. Militarized police can be used to control populations and suppress dissent, particularly in times of economic hardship or civil unrest caused by globalist policies.
  • International Military Alliances: Organizations like NATO are often viewed as globalist tools for managing international conflicts. These alliances ensure that dissenting nations are brought into line with globalist goals, using military force when necessary.


Critics of globalism argue that two of the most destructive elements of the globalist agenda are the deliberate destruction of traditional family values and the promotion of forced multiculturalism. These strategies are said to weaken the social fabric of nations, making it easier to control populations.


The traditional family unit is often seen as the foundation of stable societies. However, critics argue that globalists are systematically eroding family values in order to weaken societal resistance to their agenda.

  • Redefining Gender Roles and Family Structures: Through the promotion of gender fluidity, LGBTQ+ rights, and the dismantling of traditional family roles, globalists are said to be undermining the concept of the nuclear family. This shift makes individuals more reliant on government institutions and globalist policies, rather than on family support structures.


One of the most controversial aspects of the globalist agenda is the promotion of multiculturalism. While it is presented as a way to increase tolerance and diversity, critics argue that it dilutes national identities and fosters social fragmentation.

  • Destroying National Identity: Mass immigration and multiculturalism are often viewed as tools used by globalists to dilute national culture. This erodes a nation’s core identity, making its people more disconnected from their heritage and less willing to fight for their country.
  • Social Fragmentation: By fostering division along ethnic, racial, and cultural lines, globalists weaken the social bonds that hold societies together. This fragmentation creates chaos, making it easier for globalists to centralize control by positioning themselves as the only force capable of maintaining order.


The role of intelligence agencies in the globalist agenda is another key point of controversy. The CIA, and other intelligence agencies in the Five Eyes alliance—including those of the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—are often implicated in advancing globalist goals.

  • Mass Surveillance: The CIA and other intelligence agencies are known for their extensive mass surveillance operations, both domestically and internationally. Critics argue that these agencies act as enforcers of globalist control, spying on political opponents and suppressing dissent in the name of national security.
  • Orchestrating Mass Shootings to Push Gun Control: Some conspiracy theories suggest that mass shootings in the United States are deliberately orchestrated by globalists, using agencies like the CIA, to justify gun control measures. The aim, according to these theories, is to disarm the American population, thus removing the last obstacle—the Second Amendment—to complete globalist domination.
  • Five Eyes Alliance and Global Control: The Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance is seen by critics as a globalist tool that allows for coordinated efforts to monitor, control, and influence political, social, and economic conditions across the Western world. Intelligence agencies in these countries collaborate to suppress dissent, enact mass surveillance, and manage crises in ways that align with the globalist agenda.


For many, the American Constitution stands as the last barrier to the globalist agenda. It enshrines the principles of government by the people and guarantees individual freedoms. The Second Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms, is viewed as a vital safeguard against government tyranny and globalist control.

However, critics argue that globalist policies, such as gun control, mass surveillance, and media censorship, are specifically designed to erode these constitutional protections. They fear that once the population is disarmed and media narratives fully controlled, globalists will have free rein to impose their agenda without resistance.


At the heart of this debate lies the question of free will and the struggle between good and evil. The Bible teaches in Ecclesiastes 8:9 that when one man dominates another, it is always to his injury. This raises a profound question: Can humanity govern itself without divine intervention or external control, and can we do so without oppressing one another?

Some see the globalist agenda as an attempt to create a world without God, where secular governance and technology replace spiritual and moral guidance. From this perspective, globalism represents man’s attempt to dominate his fellow man under the guise of creating peace and security.

However, others believe that this struggle is part of a larger spiritual battle between good and evil, where global elites, including globalists, are acting as agents of control and manipulation—whether knowingly or unknowingly. Importantly, this argument extends beyond the idea of God versus Satan. Free will, by its very nature, means that neither should control or manipulate mankind. True free will would mean that neither God nor Satan should influence human choices, allowing people to determine their own destiny without coercion or manipulation.


The role of China in the globalist agenda is a topic of significant debate. Unlike Western nations, China has maintained a strong national identity, resisted multiculturalism, and consolidated its power both domestically and globally. As Western nations grow more divided through social fragmentation, mass immigration, and cultural dilution, China appears to be growing stronger.

  • China as a Model of Control: Some argue that China provides a model for the globalist agenda, particularly in its use of technology and surveillance to control its population. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) social credit system is often cited as an example of how technology can be used to manage human behavior at a massive scale.
  • China vs. the Globalists: However, others suggest that China is a rival to the globalist agenda. Instead of seeking to join a One World Order, China is believed to be pursuing its own nationalist vision. By exploiting the weaknesses of the West, China is growing stronger while resisting the globalist push for multiculturalism, open borders, and the erosion of sovereignty.


The struggle between globalist control and individual freedom will define the future of humanity. On one side, globalists promise peace, security, and cooperation through a One World Order designed to address existential threats. On the other side, critics argue that this agenda is a path to totalitarian control, where personal freedoms, national identities, and traditional values are systematically eroded.

This debate, however, transcends the political. It cuts to the very heart of the human condition: Can humanity truly rule itself without domination—from either external elites or internal forces of chaos? As the world moves deeper into the 21st century, the role of free will in determining the future of humankind remains one of the most pressing and profound questions. Will humanity achieve true freedom, or will it fall under the control of a powerful global elite?

Moreover, it is crucial to remember that globalism is not just about destroying white culture or the legacy of Western democracy. It is about destroying all countries, all cultures, and all traditions. Instead of fostering the development of unique national identities and allowing every culture to cultivate its own version of the American Dream—a vision where freedom, democracy, and prosperity are available to all—globalists aim to impose a monolithic system that erases the diversity of human experience. Their agenda seeks to homogenize humanity under a single, controllable system, ensuring that no culture, no race, and no tradition has anything left to fight for or defend.