On July 13, 2024, at approximately 2:30 PM in Butler, Pennsylvania, a nearly successful assassination attempt was carried out against Donald Trump by Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from Bethel Park. As Trump delivered his speech to a crowd of supporters, Crooks, armed with a high-powered rifle, fired eight shots from a rooftop 200 yards away before being neutralized by the Secret Service.

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or simply an American, you have the undeniable right to question the narrative and demand the truth about this assassination attempt on Donald Trump. This incident is not just a matter of political intrigue; it’s a critical moment that threatens the very principles of democracy. You, as an American, deserve to know the truth about who was behind this attack and why.


  1. TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN PLANNING: The Trump team announced a series of rallies, including one near Butler, Pennsylvania, as part of his 2024 campaign circuit. These events were publicly known, providing ample time for any potential threat to plan an attack.
  2. CROOKS’ PREPARATIONS: Thomas Matthew Crooks began his preparation well in advance. He spent weeks researching Trump’s scheduled appearances, studying security vulnerabilities, and learning from previous high-profile shootings. Crooks also purchased a ladder from a local hardware store, which he planned to use to access a rooftop vantage point.
  3. EQUIPMENT AND PLANNING: Crooks acquired a DPMS AR-15-style rifle, which his father had legally purchased years prior. He carefully selected the rooftop as his point of attack, recognizing it provided a clear line of sight to the rally stage. He also hid a bicycle in a wooded area nearby, planning to use it for a quick escape.


  1. ARRIVAL AND POSITIONING: On the day of the rally, Crooks drove his father’s car to Butler, parking it a short distance from the rally site. The car contained an explosive device in the trunk. He retrieved the ladder he had hidden earlier, climbed to the rooftop, and positioned himself for the attack.
  2. THE RALLY COMMENCES: As Trump began his speech around 2:30 PM, Crooks was already in place. He remained undetected by security forces, despite witnesses seeing him with the ladder and later reporting his presence on the rooftop. This lack of immediate response from the Secret Service is one of the first major red flags.
  3. THE SHOOTING: Crooks fired eight shots from his position, aiming at Trump. One bullet grazed Trump’s right ear, causing him to bleed. Amid the chaos, the Secret Service finally responded, and Crooks was killed by a sniper. However, the damage had already been done—Corey Comperatore, a rally attendee, was killed, and two others were critically injured.


  1. SECURITY LAPSES: The Secret Service’s response to the attack has been widely criticized as a significant failure. The fact that Crooks could get off so many shots before being stopped raises serious concerns about the effectiveness of the security measures in place. Questions are also raised about how Crooks managed to access the rooftop without being detected earlier. The severity of these lapses led to the resignation of the Secret Service director, who faced bipartisan calls for accountability.
  2. VICTIMS AND PUBLIC OUTCRY: The rally attendees, now witnesses to a tragedy, expressed outrage at the security failures. The death of Corey Comperatore and the injuries sustained by others only deepened the public’s demand for answers. The resignation of the Secret Service director underscored the gravity of the situation and the need for a thorough investigation.
  3. POLITICAL AND MEDIA RESPONSE: The media quickly picked up on the inconsistencies in the official narrative, but mainstream outlets were hesitant to delve too deeply into the possibility of a broader conspiracy. However, the fact that Crooks was able to plan and execute such an attack with apparent ease led many to question the official story. This skepticism was further fueled by the lack of a clear motive and Crooks’ otherwise unremarkable background.


  1. FAMILY AND HOME LIFE: Crooks grew up in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, a suburban area known for its quiet neighborhoods and middle-class families. By all accounts, his family was typical—stable, law-abiding, and focused on providing a good upbringing for their son. There were no reports of domestic issues, abuse, or neglect that could explain why Crooks might have been drawn into such a plot.
  2. SCHOOL ACQUAINTANCES: At school, Crooks was known as a quiet, reserved student. He wasn’t particularly social, but he wasn’t isolated either. Teachers and classmates describe him as polite, if somewhat introverted—certainly not someone who stood out as a potential threat.
  3. PERSONALITY TRAITS: Crooks’ personality was described as introverted and somewhat impressionable. These traits could have made him vulnerable to influence by more dominant figures or extremist ideologies, potentially explaining how he became involved in the plot.
  4. JOB AND SOCIAL LIFE: Crooks worked as a dietary aide at a state transitional care facility, where he was well-regarded by his coworkers. He led an unremarkable social life, often keeping to himself. His lack of strong social connections could have made him more susceptible to radicalization or coercion.
  5. ONLINE PRESENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Despite extensive research, Crooks had a limited online presence. This raises questions about how he might have been communicating with others who influenced or manipulated him. Was he using encrypted messaging services or meeting people offline? This gap in his digital footprint is suspicious and warrants further investigation.


  1. REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC CONNECTIONS: Crooks was reportedly on a Republican list, likely due to his family’s pro-gun stance. However, despite being a registered Republican, Crooks had made a donation to a Democratic PAC. This duality is puzzling and suggests that either he was trying to cover his tracks or was genuinely conflicted in his political beliefs.
  2. ATTENDANCE AT OTHER RALLIES: There is speculation that Crooks may have attended other rallies, possibly to scope out venues or practice for the attack. If so, this would indicate a longer-term plan and more extensive involvement in political activities than initially believed.
  3. WHY CROOKS WAS CHOSEN: The choice of Crooks, a young white male from a stable background with no obvious radical ties, appears calculated. By selecting someone who fit the profile of a typical “lone wolf,” those behind the attack may have sought to avoid turning the incident into a racial issue or drawing attention to a broader conspiracy.


  1. TRANSPORTING THE LADDER AND RIFLE: Crooks had to transport the ladder and rifle from his parked car to the rooftop of the AGR building. This would have been a cumbersome task, particularly if he carried both items simultaneously. The lack of witness reports of someone seeing Crooks with these items raises serious questions.
  2. VISIBILITY AND SECURITY OVERSIGHT: The fact that no one noticed Crooks carrying a ladder and a rifle near a major political event suggests either a significant oversight by security or that he was somehow able to avoid detection, perhaps by using routes that were not well monitored.
  3. CARRYING BOTH ITEMS: It’s unclear whether Crooks made multiple trips or managed to carry both items together, but either scenario raises further questions. Multiple trips would increase the chances of being seen, while carrying both items at once would be physically challenging and make him even more noticeable.


  1. THE THEORY OF COMPLICITY: The theory that some Secret Service agents might have been complicit in the assassination attempt while others were unaware raises serious questions about the integrity of the agency. Certain agents within the Secret Service might have deliberately compromised the security arrangements for the Butler rally, allowing Crooks to access the rooftop undetected.
  2. THE ROLE OF UNAWARE AGENTS: The rest of the Secret Service team, operating under the assumption that they were providing the standard level of protection, would have been blindsided by the attack. Their genuine shock and the subsequent quick action of the sniper who killed Crooks suggest that they were not complicit but rather victims of a compromised system.


  1. THE ROLE OF GLOBALISTS, CIA, AND OTHER INFLUENCES: The possibility that larger powers, such as globalist organizations, the CIA, or foreign governments, could have been involved in the planning or execution of the assassination attempt cannot be dismissed. The history of CIA involvement in covert operations and the potential use of techniques like MK Ultra to manipulate individuals like Crooks suggest that this event could be part of a larger agenda.
  2. THE ROLE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: The timing of Biden stepping aside and Harris suddenly taking over raises questions about whether there was a broader plan in place that involved the Democratic Party. Was the attempt to assassinate Trump part of a failed strategy, with a backup plan to install Harris as President?
  3. THE USE OF RACE AND POLITICAL STRATEGY: The sudden elevation of Kamala Harris, a black woman with a background steeped in racial and social justice issues, could be seen as a strategic move to shift the political narrative. With Trump out of the picture, and Biden stepping aside, Harris’s rise to power could be seen as a move to appeal to minority voters and further destabilize the political landscape.


  1. THE MOTIVATION BEHIND THE ATTACK: Who truly had the motivation to back this assassination attempt? Was it a faction within the government, a foreign power, or a shadowy organization with interests in destabilizing the United States? The lack of clear answers necessitates a thorough investigation that leaves no stone unturned.
  2. WHY DEMOCRATS SHOULD DEMAND ANSWERS: It’s crucial for Democrats to recognize that turning a blind eye to potential wrongdoing, even within their own party, risks undermining the very foundation of democracy. Why would any Democrat want their party leader to win an election if it was dirty, rigged, or involved the assassination of the key Republican candidate? Such actions only serve to erode the integrity of the democratic process, threatening the rights and freedoms of all citizens. Protecting fair elections, democracy, and free speech should be a priority for everyone, regardless of political affiliation, because if these principles fall, they fall for everyone.
  3. THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA: Why has the mainstream media not delved deeper into these questions? The media’s failure to investigate thoroughly or ask the hard questions suggests a possible collusion with those who have a vested interest in controlling the narrative. Reporters are in part responsible for this situation, as they have not done their jobs by asking more questions and pushing for the truth. It is the responsibility of journalists to challenge the narrative, to investigate deeply, and to hold power accountable. When they fail to do so, they contribute to the erosion of democracy and the rights of all citizens.


This detailed examination of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump raises more questions than it answers. The involvement of various actors, from the Secret Service to potential globalist influences, paints a complex and troubling picture. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or independent, you deserve to know the truth about what happened on July 13, 2024. The future of democracy depends on transparency and accountability.


Democracy and freedom are not just ideals; they are the very bedrock upon which the United States stands. Both sides of the political spectrum must understand that protecting these values at all costs is essential. If America and democracy fall, who will save mankind? The survival of fair elections, democratic principles, and free speech is not just an American issue—it is a global one. A failure to uphold these values could lead to a world where no one is free, and no one is safe.