With the growing Racism in America, many are wondering why; Black Live Matter and Black People are incapable of acknowledging their role in creating the slave trade selling their own people into slavery to the Arabs long before Whites came along? Why the black slaves after the civil war preferred to stay in White America instead of return to Black Africa and their true African roots? Why Black people to this day continue to swarm to White Countries taking boats much like the slave trade 2.0? Why Black people are unable to create their own American Dream in Africa? Why Black lives matter and the media report only on White against Black Violence, but refuse to report on Black against White and Black against Black Violence? Why Black men insult their own culture and prefer White Women over their own Black Women?

History is full of slave trade from all races. Tribes would go to war with other tribes, killing all the men, enslaving the boys and raping the girls and women to produce new children. From the Egyptians enslaving the Jews, the Babylonians, Persians, Muslims, Chinese, South Americans, Romans, Greeks, Mongolians, Asians, and First Nations, no race or nation in history is exempt from slave trading.

Thus African countries attacked and enslaved other African countries for thousands of years before the Europeans came along often selling their own people to the Arabs (Muslims) and sometimes even spilling into white European territory. That is the reason why it was a mixture of black and Arab Muslims (Moores)who invaded south Christian Spain in 711 AD, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossing the Strait of Gibraltar from northern Africa and invading the Iberian peninsula ‘Andalus’ (Spain under the Visigoths). In 1492 the Moores were finally expelled by the Christians, which was also the same year Columbus decided to go explore the Caribbean and the America’s.

The Democrats, Black Lives Matter and Hollywood love to blame white people for all the race issues, while failing to explain why after being brought over on slave ships, Africans are still wanting to come over to white Countries and why Africa has to this day still failed to make a country it’s own people want to stay in?

African kings, especially the Nigerians profited heavily off the slave trade, driven in large part by the Muslim religion which encouraged slave trade (and still does) as a primary religious belief. White Europeans exploring and settling the new world stopped off at Africa to acquire workers in the form of slaves, because Africa had created a profitable global slave market of selling its own people. The slave trade finally stopped when Christian white people went to war in America and killed their fellow white American brothers to end the black slave trade, which Africans still to this day refuse to stop. That is why none of the African slaves rushed back home to Africa after the civil war, because they knew Africa created by black people, was a far worse place than America created by white people.

For those who do not know the true history of the southern slave trade. The French brought slaves first to Caribbean. Haiti was a mess of problems including islanders and blacks hating each other, and blacks and whites hating each other. While there were only a few hundred white people, there were thousands of black people, so In 1791 African slaves revolted and killed all the white men and then brutally raped and enslaved all the women and children on one of the islands, and then went onto create the aids ridden violent black utopia known today as Haiti (accurately referred to as a shithole by Trump and so many others.) Napoleon was too busy fighting the English to properly care about Haiti and he sold the entire Southern United States to the Americans for 15 million dollars in what was known as the Louisiana Land Transfer.

In the mean time the slave trade shifted more towards the Southern United States, where one of the main reasons the majority of Southerners joined the civil war against the North was because they were driven by fear of a similar slave Haiti revolt and slaughter of white people in America from the freed slaves.

South African black people attacking Mozambican and Nigerians out of fear that immigrants from other African countries, are taking jobs at the expense of South Africans in a country with high unemployment. Many people from other countries have entered South Africa illegally, though the government has said a large number are working legally and contributing to economic development.

After the civil war and slave trade ended, America focused on rebuilding and racism remained on the back burner. But as the black population grew in America, so did the racism to the point that America will soon be in a second civil war as black Americans refuse to stand for the National Anthem and instead blame white Americans for the slave trade that black African people created and white America people ended. All while the Democrat run Hollywood, Media and Black Lives Matter remind America it is white people who are the problem.


For example the atrocities black Muslims did to black Christians in South Sudan was beyond description including cutting off women’s breasts while raping them so they could not feed their babies, cutting off children’s arms who refuse to fight in civil wars, genital mutilation, castration, rape, skinning alive, gutting alive, hacking to death with machetes, and endless other brutalities. Yet oddly enough Black Lives Matter and the wealthy black elite sports stars and music icons of America were not rushing to save their black brethren in those wars. Instead it was the racist white people everyone hates that went in to help save the black people from their own people.


The Media like Hollywood in turn shares a similar responsibility by deliberately focusing on white on black violence, while refusing to acknowledge black on black and black on white violence and reverse racism in America. Why? Because they know that whenever a white police officer shoots a black criminal, black people across the nation are sure to riot, loot and destroy property all while crying racism which creates even more sensational news for them to peddle.

The media’s refusal to report this and organizations such as ‘Black Lives Matter’ refusing to acknowledge black racism against whites only serves to fuel a one sided never ending story. Sadly black people uneducated to the truth about the ‘Slave Trade’ become willing soldiers in a war that can never be won and will only end in more blood and sorrow. While decent black Americans who do not agree with the reverse racism and extreme black on white violence, and see the benefit of living in white Christian culture, are labeled ‘traitors’ and ‘Uncle Tom’s’ by the black populace.

David Webb again said on his Patriot 125 radio talk show; “The key is for both black and white people in America to end the hate and racism and get past it and live in the present. The benefits of the slave trade to black people in America today are obvious. There are more wealthy multimillionaire black people in America than anywhere else and that would not have been the case had the slave trade not occurred with black people ending up in America.” Unfortunately he too would be labeled an Uncle Tom by groups like ‘Black Lives Matter’ for his honest statements.”


America has lived with two clashing cultures of black and white for the past three hundred years. Cultures that by themselves can barely get along. Cultures that would never have been put together were it not for the slave trade. So unfortunately to expect white and black people to come to the table and accept equal responsibility for their ancestors part in the ‘Slave Trade’ and to finally get along in America is to many a pipe dream that will never come true and especially as long as Hollywood, the Media and ‘Black Lives Matter’ have a say?