In the spirit of Truth & Reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on what was once the enormously vast empty lands the Colonialists initially came to know as The New World?

After travelling for days or weeks the Colonialists would often run into the sometimes friendly or sometimes hostile roaming nomadic Indigenous Tribes who had long been raping, enslaving, slaughtering and torturing each other in the most horrendous ways.

Those Indigenous Tribes had of course also laid claim to the vast wilderness territories of The New World but oddly enough with no visible boundaries, no permanent settlements and no truth & reconciliation acknowledgements of who they had exterminated and robbed the land from long before Colonialists came along.

So the Current Indigenous Conquerors and Current Colonial Conquerors decided to fight over who should lay claim to The New World with the Current Colonial Conquerors basically winning, which of course was construed by some as (spoils of war) and by others (Karma for the horrendous things the Current Indigenous population had done to whoever they conquered).

The Colonialists next fought among themselves over whether to wipe out the current Indigenous Tribes, or (with some speck of conscience) instead set up tracks of land for each of the Tribes to live on like independent countries within a country (or as some would rather term as not unlike a First Nations Zoo). The Indigenous had of course solved this moral dilemma by simply wiping out the Tribe before generally torturing and killing all the Men, Older Women and Boys, while of course mercifully keeping the young girls and female babies as future rape breed stock, and then taking over the former tribes territory.

The Colonialists were then stuck with the problem of what to do with the Indigenous Children caught in the middle of the mess living in TeePees and having no proper health care or education. As previously mentioned the Indigenous had formerly solved this and all other problems in one fell swoop by simply torturing and killing all the Men, older Women and Boys and mercifully keeping only the young girls and female babies so they could rape them later and have new breed stock to replenish the Tribe.

The Colonialists opted to put the children in Residential Schools which were unfortunately run by the pedophilic (un-Christian) Catholic Church created by Pagan Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 CE at the Council of Nicea as an Political Amalgamation of Paganism & Christianity in an attempt to dirty the waters of the once unstoppable True Christianity (The Way) of Christ followers and bring Peace back to the Roman Empire. Unfortunately in some ways it was not much better than the fate that would have befell them at the hands of the Indigenous Conquerors. (You get to be raped by the Indigenous Conquerors or raped by the Catholic Priests.)

Whatever the case, eons later as we sit in our Cozy Coffee Shops, we get to argue about and of course change the historical narrative by re-imagining the First Nations as completely innocent and honorable peace loving keepers of the land and the Colonialists as ruthless monsters; in a time and world void of cell phones, computers and conveniences that none of us will ever be able to fully grasp.

The end result is the present day White Children of the Colonialists now get to shoulder all the shame & blame while the modern day Children of the Indigenous don’t have to admit their ancestors equal part in the historical horrors. Instead they get to run around with ‘poor innocent me’ hands out grabbing for more free Government Money the current Chiefs can steal leaving the tribes to again suffer, as the New Conqueror Globalists sit back and laugh controlling the narrative via the bought and paid for Main Stream Media, while dividing and conquering in hopes of enslaving us all?